Monday, March 16, 2009

Potty training

We are on day four of potty training and hooray she's getting it! Slowly but surely( mind you this is about my fifth attempt to potty train, the first three times we were either traveling or moving, the forth time she was starting to hate the baby sitter for potty training her, so this time I am doing it all by my self and I'm being very persistent).

Here are a couple of tricks I learned through my many, many..many trials and errors ( mostly errors):

Absolutely no carpets.

Absolutely no pull ups.

Absolutely no days off(you have to be hardcore when you potty train).

Lots of toys/books/blocks/videos to keep her put on the potty.
A couple or more of vinyl underwear( they save the floor from "accidents" and she still feels when something happens).

I Put her on the potty every 20 minutes.

I designate a towel for washing the bum, another for drying the potty after washing it and another for drying her off.

I have a cleaning spray near by.

I keep a drying rack to dry out the vinyl underwear I wash.

And the most important one of all make lots of du'a( ya rab!)

I don't keep a log but it's recommended in most potty training books so you know your child's pattern. I just follow my motherly instinct. (to my surprise I actually have one!)

Today we were running around the kitchen island and she left the game and ran close enough to the potty, only to miss it by inches. She was in her vinyl underwear so it caught everything( thank goodness).
The above photos are potty creations made by "the wee potty trainer"she mastered scooting around with her potty fetching blocks and stacking them. I call the last one "The potty train". farm animals ride on it too.

About the mouse. He lives! will update the whole dillema once he's exterminated.

Peace. ( Mouse, you should know better!)

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