My new cute little desk, bought second hand from a thickly french accented (according to my hubby) Frenchman or possibly a Canadian ( thanks for picking it up hubby).
The weather! Could it be more beautiful?(insert Chandler sarcastic tone)
My awesome new recycled/reconstructed sweater. It was on super sale, and I think the seller is by far my favorite etsian yet. Some etsians send thank you notes with their products. She not only sent a very cool thank you note,but also a dark chocolate bar ( need I say more?) and a pen drawing of a shiny sun on the package. Iʻm in love!
You guys need to seriously check her shop out.
I donʻt know if you noticed in the list bar, but Lisa Hanningan is currenly one of my favorite musisians. hereʻs another song by her, sheʻs wonderful.
Oatmeal for mama and toddler, for breakfast. I add maple syrup, almond butter, apple sauce and some soy milk...heaven.
Girl scout cookies, (two boxes licked clean in only two days!).
This book ( book club girls, we can decide on a different book I suppose, I couldnʻt wait).
Yusuf Islamʻs new album for kids "I look I see 2".
My neighbor Totoro ( mentioned in an earlier post) and all the drawing and paper cutting inspired by itʻs characters.
Have a great weekend:)
Feel free to play along.
OMG, the desk is SO cute! Mabruk!
Allah yebarek feeki;)
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