I couldn't wait, as soon as our fantastic, super fast, new dryer, buzzed the end signal, I jumped...
The result, a new pseudo finished new Mei skirt with my new super cute Japanese fabric (bought for half price at a going out of business sale, woohoo!)
I used the lazy skirt free pattern found on the oliver + s blog. The pattern uses a ribbon to finish the hem but I didn't have a wide ribbon on hand. So instead I used lace I had bought also on super sale. I was pretty pleased with the final look.
The skirt is actually not completely finished, I still need to buy elastic. So to show the end result I just fed the waistband casing with a ribbon and pulled it through (hence the term pseudo finished). My sweet girl will have to wait to wear this skirt until her mama is not so lazy... Sorry sweet pea!
I have to go sleep now, it's 1:30 am and tomorrow ( technically today) is mother's day.
Happy mother's day everyone!
what store going out of bussiness?
Oh It was an etsy fabric store located in Japan called Goodness. the owner was relocating, so she had an everything half price sale. It was last month, so I think the store is already out of business, I'll make sure to blog about stuff like that in the future inshaAllah ( god willing)
That definitely looks worth another tired day! ;-) Masha'Allah `alayki!
looks lovely:)
mashallah thats so cute! Happy M day in California!
happy mama's day! I LOVE the skirt-- and thanks much for posting the link to the simple skirt pattern-- I've never made a skirt before but have it in my head that I will create my entire summer wardrobe with a simple pattern like this:)
Thank you everyone!
Saritta, you do realize that I live in Chicago not California...Right?
I know mothers day in Egypt is celebrated on march 21st, so I tend to celebrate it twice. Neat!
I do realize that... Why did I type in California?
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