Sunday, March 7, 2010

Scenes from our weekend and links

We've been having lots of sunshine (except for today's dreary weather) and above freezing temperatures. In celebration, anticipation, gratification and any other fitting-adjective-than-ends-with-ation, we bought one of those make-your-own-cheap-birdhouses from Target. (I now know why it only costs what it did, don't buy it) it took about a thousand years to assemble, not to mention the hammering noises that woke a napping baby up and the frustrations. It now lives in one of our bookshelves waiting to be further secured-- I don't want no little bird's blood upon my hands.
(on the upside Mei had a fantabulous time painting it)

sun + above freezing temperatures = quickly lets go outside!

(At an Egyptian restaurant--kebab, black tea with mint and loud Egyptian music. It can't possibly get better than this!) 
(1cup warm water+1/2 cup salt(stir)+ 1 cup flour +2tbsp cream of tartar + a couple of drops food coloring. Mix everything on a burner = Awesome homemade play-dough. Store in an airtight container)

(homemade eggplant pizza from the five minute book)

This was the number one song on the year I was born (oooh oooh oooh, and yes I know I'm old!)

This is crazy cool. (A very important someone mentioned that they would like to know what the links are about so they don't have to open something that might be a dud, so this one is about the origins of the moonwalk, clear!)
This is on the weekly desert menu.  simple. easy. delicious (the three most important ingredients for anything to get done in this household by moi)

I want to go watch Alice in wonderland in 3D because I heart Alice, also I heart wonderland and the title of the movie contains both of the words I just hearted but that's just me, I can't let it be, you see! (I couldn't help myself, sorry!)

 How did your weekend look like?



Me said...

I miss going to Egyptian restaurants... we don't have any here :-( I remember going to one out of town months ago.. and they had "Abdel Halim Hafez" on .. it was great!

Btw what is tartar? And where do you get it? I'm thinking of making this homemade play dough for my little guy.. he's one now and I think he might enjoy this...

Muslim Hippie said...

Me- You should move to Chicago.

Cream of tartar is a thickening or a stiffening agent. (it looks like a white powder, like corn starch) you can find it at the spice section in your local grocery store. here's a youtube video of how to make it:

I didn't use oil and it was fine. I re-used our old play dough storing containers, but you can definitely use ziplock bags. One year old is a good age( and no worries if he eats it coz its essentially food) let me know how it turns out.

Me said...

Thanks for the tips :-) Will let you know how it goes once I get the cream of tartar insha Allah...

Oh and I would LOVE to move to Chicago... I've been there twice and I really liked it :-)