Friday, March 19, 2010


I haven't done this for a while. Alhamdulilah Alhamdulilah Alhamdulilah (I can't help but say these words)

:: Weekly dinners with close by family. (today we ate in our yard and bid the last day of winter with a seventy degree weather. Tomorrow's forecast, freezing with rain and snow! I think winter and spring need to get off whatever it is that they're on-- seriously dude!)

:: Bunny ears in a binge (her idea, and oh my that pose!)
(she was pretending to be the white rabbit, I was Alice. We go back and forth)

::The weather, the great outdoors and my littlest monkey. (photo not from today)

:: Polka-dots and stripes together worm by my sunshine.

::Awesome kid friendly secondhand stores and... SCORE!
 (hooray for spaceman Grabby!)

:: This lovely dress. it brings happiness to my eyes just to look at it. I do not want to own it, seriously. It's like art. You know, just pause. enjoy. then move on. (and share!)

What are you loving?



.::Tuttie::. said...

that space shuttle was such an awesome find! alhamdulillah.

I have yet to find good quality stuff, I prefer second hand items and it may have something to do with me and my love for history (double majored in history and bio). I did luck out recently when my hubs told me he has a carpenter friend. I nearly fell off the chair in pure ecstasy. I am making a list of toys I want and handing it over :)

I still don't have a camera :( and my son is growing up so fast and I have almost no record of it.

btw I LOVE coming to your blog because it is so awesome! mashaAllah.

Muslim Hippie said...

Thank you Tuttie for the good words.

I heart toys made from natural materials, even though old pastic-y toys have a certain charm about them.

Good hunting and hooray for carpenter (and doctor!) friends!
