I surf the blog sphere to research about homeschooling. You know, see how other families are doing it, and if it'll work with this family or not.
The neat thing about homeschooling is that you need to school yourself first, so I am trying to learn different things and crafts. So like the good resourceful( and by good and resourceful I mean going to this website and clicking the purchase button) girl I am went and found this neat book that teaches you how to draw animals from scratch, there's a whole series of it actually. I just got the animal one coz that's what my little( not so little)one is interested in at the moment. We sit together and she directs me to draw a lion, a monkey or a goat (you get the idea) and I happily oblige, but now I happily oblige with style, I can actually draw, how neat is that!
So here is a drawing I drew on a card board box. ( Another obsession I have, I LOVE cardboard! Ah the possibilities, and that awesome brown color..hmm)
Ok Leaving you with the drawing.
This part is added:
I re-read the post and realized I am inspired by bloggers true! But I failed to mention My biggest inspiration, my beautiful daughters and wonderful husband. The blogs are fun to read and a good source for projects and creative ideas. But the first born is the one who made me go and find this book and read these blogs.
One of these days she'll be using this book too to draw inshaAllah or maybe find other passions but I have a hunch this book will be used a lot! We'll see.
Have a good one!
1 comment:
I love the idea too..when my son was too my neighbor gave me one of these books and he really enjoyed them. Perhaps it's time to revisit those books and have him draw, now that he knows how to!
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