Monday, March 14, 2011


Tomorrow I start a beginners photoshop class, why? because all the beginner photography classes were full. As a first assignment, we were asked to share 5-10 photos that best describe our style. 
It was tough, but here are the photos I shared nonetheless:

About Japan. I have nothing but to raise my hands in supplication and ask for mercy. Also these organizations help



Um Dayo said...

These are beautiful, unique pictures with a unique style..varying styles, really.

And oh my goodness, that is a LOT of satellites!

Muslim Hippie said...

Yes, I thought I don't particularly have a style. I do like to take sun shots with flare, and kiddo's bodily parts coz of my paranonia :)

And the satellite photo was taken in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Cairo. I thought it was interesting.


Anonymous said...

Your photos are beautiful and inspiring!

Amnah said...

These pictures are beautiful! You're going to love the photoshop class, I'm sure. So much to take in though.