I've been contemplating taking one of my long official breaks from this site for sometime, since my life currently entails a lot of adjustments, chaos, and "homesickness"-- as in wherever this might be.
But since you guys have been such good listeners before (and always) and patient with this strange space and with my sporadic and untamed entries. I figured, what's another strange posting period for you guys, right?
So here's to not expecting much, but maybe some peeks here and there, some photos, and most certainly some links.
I am currently on my second season of Mad Men. I couldn't help myself with the link. That's what you get when you follow someone like moi.
Mei is currently down with the flu and she moved on from having an infection in her ears to rupturing her ear drum... yes she's very poor.
I have ten photo edits for my class, and am choosing to hang out here instead, because I am a procrastinator, also I've been dealing with sick kiddos for over a month now. Allahu Akbar (God is great)