Monday, March 28, 2011

nothing much...


I've been contemplating taking one of my long official breaks from this site for sometime, since my life currently entails a lot of adjustments, chaos, and "homesickness"-- as in wherever this might be. 
But since you guys have been such good listeners before (and always) and patient with this strange space and with my sporadic and untamed entries. I figured, what's another strange posting period for you guys, right?

So here's to not expecting much, but maybe some peeks here and there, some photos, and most certainly some links.



I am currently on my second season of Mad Men. I couldn't help myself with the link. That's what you get when you follow someone like moi.

Mei is currently down with the flu and she moved on from having an infection in her ears to rupturing her ear drum... yes she's very poor.

I have ten photo edits for my class, and am choosing to hang out here instead, because I am a procrastinator, also I've been dealing with sick kiddos for over a month now. Allahu Akbar (God is great)

Currently listening to this song.

Here's my photo of the day:

Have a yuck-free day everyone!


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring cleaning

I currently have five outfits to change from, and three drawers of clothes for the girls, so I can't do more spring cleaning to this part of our lives... But my inbox, oh boy, oh boy. 

One thousand and five hundred messages were happily residing in my inbox. It is a tough situation dear friends. So a couple of hours a day should do the trick no? I am going through pre-revolution unopened mail... It's like a treasure box. I am finding awesome treasures a long the way (I have amazing contacts!) and also a lot of junk.

I am down to six hundred and seventy, HUZZAH!

Anyhoo, here's a before an after photo I edited for my LR3 class:



Have a fantastic rest of your day.


Sunday, March 20, 2011


Mommy when we go to heaven can we go to Evanston then?

Well I guess, if you want to go to Evanston in heaven you certainly could.

This mini dialogue was one of many dialogues we had about Evanston when we were in Egypt. Mei missed the only place she knew to be home (her Evanston home) so much, she wanted heaven to have an *Evanston there. 
A very smart Uncle dubbed it Heavenston... 

We are currently there, staying with a very good friend and who also happens to be the mother of Mei's best friend.

Today's blog entry is dedicated to her. My hero, she's down with the flu, is behind on correcting a bunch of her students exams and she's been hosting us for the past three nights. And, and she invited all my friends, and made delicious savory pancakes for them. She's awesome! Really really awesome. Thank you,  good friend.


Today's captures are brought to you by the amazing Jen. (Our old neighbor and good friend) she has a fantastic eye, and she also tried to show me a few trade tricks. Yes, she's a photographer.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lotus flower

Awesome moves!


Monday, March 14, 2011


Tomorrow I start a beginners photoshop class, why? because all the beginner photography classes were full. As a first assignment, we were asked to share 5-10 photos that best describe our style. 
It was tough, but here are the photos I shared nonetheless:

About Japan. I have nothing but to raise my hands in supplication and ask for mercy. Also these organizations help


Sunday, March 13, 2011


The farmers brought their tractors and joined the demonstrations in the square. I missed this glorious scene. (in my defense getting two young ones ready to get out the door in freezing temperatures proved to be challenging!)

At one point, I was told the square was completely encircled by tractors. (Yes, I missed that. hmph).

Here are the after tractor photos:

coz she totally rocks she gets two shots. I mean she rocks an awesome sign and she's on stilts!

why? because I can!

Yes, indeed-y.
the closest I got to a tractor.
oh yes!


FYI: You can click on the images for more details, they're full size today. Yipee!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Another political post.

Waiting for the sun. Come back!

Egypt is on my mind. It's a rocky road that we are embarking on. I pray the turbulence ends soon. Meanwhile stay safe everyone and be smart. I pray the student returns safe and sound to his family, my heart is with them.

(photo from earlier last week)
Meanwhile my brothers and sisters still stand in the cold (and in their wedding gowns) and wait for their voices to be heard, by the deaf. If your heart can't hear than there is no cure for you my friend.

O libya, my heart bleeds for you!

Our news are insignificant and calm. Here's a glimpse nonetheless:



Update: The student is safe and sound in his family's arms all praise to God.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I love washing kale, so beautiful.

We have been keeping ourselves busy here, driving through town, getting lost (thanks a lot GPS!) and feeling overwhelmed by the feeling of universal brotherhood everywhere. We are currently staying with my in-laws and they are a street away from the famous Capitol square in Madison/WI.
I will probably share some photos for the awesome crowds there. You see I am an Egyptian married to a Madisonian, my children are seasoned protestors by blood.
 Mei never fails to ask for our banner once we hit the square. She and her sister both rock political pins on their winter coats, as requested by both of them.
We went to an international festival and on the way there, the numbers, and the sight of the people standing up for their basic rights reminded me of Tahrir square, tears of joy rolled down my cheeks as I quietly pushed the girls in their stroller to where the festival was held.

On with the links already, right?

I just finished watching the first season of this show and I am completely smitten. Also, shocked at how all this stuff was considered normal in living memory.

I started reading in Arabic again. I am a slow Arabic reader (shame!) but loving it.

Warning, there's no coming back once you click this link. Plain awesome.

On my to do list.

Love, love, love her!

I am trying to get this for Mei (I had one when I was little) but there's something wrong with my paypal. Grrrrrrr!

His voice! He re-sang all of Sayed Darwish's old songs. Bliss.

Thanks for checking. Feel free to share something you love this week.
