Saturday, November 6, 2010

waiting for the cold

Today I am missing living in a four season zone. Even though, the cool breeze has finally made it's way through this part of the globe. No sweaters, or scarves yet, but hey, we'll take it.

I actually miss the cold, if this is at all possible. When we first moved to Chicago/IL several years back, I remember asking a family member who did his school years there, what he missed the most about Chicago. He said the cold. At the time it didn't register. How can someone in his right mind (no offense!) miss the cold. And Chicago cold is like no other cold my friends. Yet here I am craving it. The grass is always greener, no? (Also it's always a plus to see men in fur coats-- an exclusive Chicago fashion statement)

So, we are still here, still in t-shirt land (and sometimes for the little ones only underwear land) and we wait... wait for that cool night breeze that sets in. And hope for some yellow leaves, some trickles of rain, or for any sign really.

Meanwhile we do this::

which results in this::

 (Mei working on perfecting the burnt cookie effect)

And this::

Which results in this::

And we also throw in some silliness::

 (After reading a book about a three eyed boy, she transformed into the three eyed monster)

 (Reading like her old man. yes her old man also reads upside down! they are both very skilled)

 (Reading for her dolly)

(Counting the beads)

What's happening with you this season?


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